Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Personal Narrative - Lasting Love - 2490 Words

Personal Narrative - Lasting Love I had never made biscuits and gravy before. The blessings of having a good cook as a Mom were abundant, but alas, I never did learn the many techniques that wonder woman possessed. My repertoire included: peanut butter cookies, a deliciously heated can of Pork n Beans, and Rice Krispie treats that were always too crunchy. But, Joseph wanted biscuits and gravy, so that is what Joseph got. His sister told me the recipe over the phone. Joseph had called her up long distance and gruffly demanded that she rattle off the legendary gravy recipe that their mother used to serve. She did so, and I obediently jotted down every word. The directions seemed simple enough, and I felt confidant that Joseph would†¦show more content†¦Weak and frail, he sat for hours on the same wooden chair, pulled up against the same cluttered table. An array of newspaper, grocery store, and the local five cent classifieds dominated every inch--they were his life. Joseph was searching for a three-wheeled motor scooter. He wanted to be able to chase his wife, Rebecca, down the street when her Alzheimers took her into fits of hysteria. His current physical condition prevented him from doing so, but with a cart all Joseph had to do was sit back and hang on to the portable nebulizer that helped him breath. Each morning we would search the classifieds, but each morning we would be disappointed. I don t think very many people in Salem owned three-wheeled motor scooters. You already got your coffee? I asked, noticing his favorite Snoopy Christmas coffee mug near the newest issue of Oregonian s classifieds. He shook his head and closed his eyes, concentrating on breathing deeply. Breathing in the morning was always significantly more difficult for Joseph, and even a simple sentence was demanding. Ahh thats all right man. I said, and while pouring him his daily cup of half coffee/half cream, I filled him in on the latest scoop in my social life. I didnt know if Joseph was exactly interested in what my friends and I did the night before, but it made him smile, and I loved to see the glow in his eye when he wouldShow MoreRelatedFeminism in Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl1163 Words   |  5 Pagesalso for his personal sexual pleasure. Imagine the inexhaustible fear of his next humiliating request and the deep feelings of shame and remorse for your inability to stand up against him. Imagine lying in bed at the end of the day wishing God would carry you to heaven so you would not have to wake and experience this hell on earth all over again. These illustrations, along with many others, are the types of images Harriet Jacobs instills upon her readers in her personal narrative Incidents inRead MoreThe Disposable Rockets By Curtis Sittenfield And John Updike1219 Words   |  5 Pagesthese work together is that the expectations placed on men and women by society can be damaging. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Act One Scene 3 of William Shakespeares Othello Essay

Act One Scene 3 of William Shakespeares Othello Referring to the passage in page 155, I have analysed several points in conjunction to background knowledge, in attempt to answer the task set above. Initially, I feel that it is very important to relate to the character of Iago. As a character, Iago has the potential to be a man of extreme power but he does not have the tool that we refer to as money. All that he has is ambition; and he remains malcontent until he attains his aspirations. He pretends to be doing tasks but refrains from them, showing us a strong sense of corruption. The most important role that he plays is that of an extreme racist, words like black ram, moor, thick-lipped,†¦show more content†¦The 28 year old man, four times seven yearsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, is not self critical. Iago has no restrictions on himself, backed up by I never found a man that knew how to love himselfà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. The beginning of his speech, concentrates on the philosophical aspects of life, and that we are what we choose to be. Fur thermore, we can understand from line 330 that Iago does not believe in love. But we have reason to cool our raging motions, our carnal stings, our unbittedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. This shows the contrast between him and Othello. Iago becomes very jealous of Othello because of his position in the Venetian Army. Iago feels that black men cannot rise above him because they are black. Iago frequently refers to Othello as the Moor and the Black Ram, with these statements Iago is implying that Othello is worse than white people and because of his race he should not hold the position he does in the army. Out of this racism also extends the jealousy of Othellos wife, Desdemona. He is sexually attracted to her but that is not a real reason for hating Othello, his mind devises stories which he believes are true and thus making himself think that it is right to take revenge on Othello by intentions to overcome Desdemona via plans with Roderigo. Iago is also jealous of Othellos sexual power, as it was well known in those times that blackShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare And Domestic Violence .During High1006 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Shakespeare and Domestic Violence During high school, students will tend to read multiple plays written by William Shakespeare in school. In fact, part of the English Language Arts (ELA) Standards set by Common Core included William Shakespeare’s plays. For ninth and tenth grade students, standard CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.9 expected them to be able to examine how an author draws on and transforms source materials in a specific work (Common Core State Standards, 2017). The examplesRead MoreReputation Of Men And Women In Othello1118 Words   |  5 Pageshonor as evident in William Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Tragedy of Othello.† During the 16th century, a woman’s reputation determined the way in which society regarded her. Women who were deemed unfaithful would often be ridiculed by their community and treated as second class citizens. In William Shakespeares â€Å"The Tragedy of Othello,† the character of Bianca is portrayed as a promiscuous woman who is often a source of amusement for other characters. Such is evident in Act 4, Scene 1,Now will I questionRead More The Theme of Control in Shakespeares Othello Essay996 Words   |  4 PagesControl in Othellonbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Throughout history, powerful empires with boundless control have had a tendency to fall victim to corruption. It is common knowledge, among political scientists and historians, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 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In addition, Othello is far from being a perfect character - another quality that meets Aristotles requirements. Othello also matches Aristotles ideas of tragic hero because our Othello realizes the error of his ways, causingRead MoreIago as an Evil Manipulator in William Shakespeares Othello Essay719 Words   |  3 PagesIago as an Evil Manipulator in William Shakespeares Othello The statement Iago is an evil manipulator in my opinion is true. I see Iago as psychologically astute, deceiving and a misanthrope. His sadistic character hurts everyone in a web of deceit. Iago is Shakespeares most plausible and intriguing villains. The main themes in this play are appearance and reality, love, hate and jealousy. I intend to focus on Iago and see how his character changes and how Read More Good and Bad in Othello Essay1555 Words   |  7 PagesGood and Bad in Othello  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   A huge battle between good and evil is waged the William Shakespeare’s drama Othello. In this essay let us study the many facets of these two dimensions as presented through the words and actions of the characters.    Can the protagonist, who has committed a double killing in the last scene, be saved? In William Shakespeare: The Tragedies, Paul A. Jorgensen discusses the theology of the final scene:    It is better not to look too anxiously into

Friday, December 13, 2019

Steps in Making Business reports Free Essays

The importance of the report determines the kind of effort called for: – the amount of research – the length of the report – time spent in writing it to the importance of the subject – use of the report It is important that your readers to be identified, so that the style, format, and the tone of the report may be determined. Tone refers to the total emotional and intellectual effect of a passage of writing. Since tone reflects to feelings, the business report writer must take care that he does not cloud his purpose in writing the report with his emotions. We will write a custom essay sample on Steps in Making Business reports or any similar topic only for you Order Now The reader of the report must also be sensitive to the tone of the report. The following generalizations about tone may be considered in writing the report: 1. Reports that travel upward, especially to top management, generally, are written in a more formal tone than those that travel laterally or downward. 2. Reports circulates outside the company are usually more formal in tone than those kept within the â€Å"family’ for internal use. 3. Be generous with headings because report. 2. Words used must be simple 3. Sentences and paragraphs must be short 4. Coherence – provides transitional words between sentences and paragraphs which are expressed as therefore, yet, however, in addition to 5. Margins should be consistent throughout the report, and double spaced for easier reading 6. Illustrations (maps, tables, graphs, drawings, diagrams) give a clear presentation of data especially if any figures are used. After the first draft has been written and edit the report for mechanical errors or errors of facts. Are words correctly spelled? Do ideas relate to one another? Is the right word used? Here are a few examples to show how proper editing results in clarity and conciseness: Original: Sales for the month of July were, by and large, higher than they were for a similar period last year, but the difference is not appreciably so, at least to the extent where one might now consider sitting on â€Å"his success† so to speak. As a matter of fact, the increase was only approximates 4. 5% over last year’s sales which were Just average for the industry. Edited: Sales for the month of July were approximated only 4. 5 percent higher than in the similar period last year. Although this is an improvement, it is not impressive and one should make every effort o increase this figure in the future. Original: The business executive has many duties to carry through in business nowadays. He is often called upon to make decisions involving the expenditure of funds, future corporate and movement of human resources. He must also attend many kinds of meetings which are professional in nature and scope. Moreover, he has counseling duties to his subordinates. And on some occasions he must serve as the company’s representative to community groups. These are only few of the many tasks hat the modern business executive is expected to carry through. Edited: Today’s modern business executive has many duties to perform. Some of these are: 1 . Decision making for the expenditure of funds, for corporate planning, and for the movement of personnel. 2. Attendance in professional meetings. 3. Counseling of subordinates. 4. Serving as the company representative to community groups. How to cite Steps in Making Business reports, Papers