Thursday, February 27, 2020

Chosse from the following Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chosse from the following - Essay Example Mulvey’s Ideas on Hollywood’s Depiction of Gender According to Mulvey, males prove to be very dominant in society. This dominance has existed for the longest time in society, with many people adopting the attitudes that concur with and foster the spread of male dominance (Hein 58). In her article ‘visual pleasure and narrative cinema’ Mulvey highlighted that the popularity of Hollywood movies has resulted because of the existing social patterns. These existing social patterns serve as a reflection of the male dominance that is evident in society. With the combination of two analytic procedures, this article highlights the reflection of unbalanced gender in Hollywood, and outlines how the viewer reacts to the movie (Hollinger 12). A semiotic analytic method of cinematic works helped Mulvey understand the depiction of patriarchy in Hollywood products. On the other hand, psychoanalysis revealed the perception of the viewer as determined by the existing social patterns (45). The article outlined a link between the viewer and the Hollywood products, with psychoanalysis helping the author to decipher the subconscious contribution to the understanding of the viewer. The most compelling idea that becomes evident in Mulvey’s article is the fact that Hollywood uses women to offer visual pleasure to the men. According to this author, Hollywood adopts a masculine view while making women an object of the gaze. Hollywood depicts men as heroes and this grants them measurable pleasure. The movies depict the undying desire of men to satisfy their ego even if that compels them to maker women object As a result, the man represents the active individual in the movie while the woman has her take as the passive individual. The man employs all his efforts in demystifying the female figure or fetishization of her by according her a goddess position. Through these strategies, the man manages to avoid any chances of the woman surpassing him and silencin g his voice. On the other hand, the role of the woman in Hollywood movies appears paradoxical (Hollinger 13). She seems to confuse herself with the power of attraction and her inherent desire to get past the man, silencing him. ‘The Loneliest Planet’ Through this movie, she tells the story of a young optimistic couple, Alex and Nica. From the initial cuts of the movie, the couple has a level of intimacy as the producer highlights that they are sexually involved. However, it is evident that despite this intimacy, the couple takes time in understanding each other well. However, there is a level of comfort in the couple and after their engagement; they are looking forward to getting married. This optimistic couple decides to visit the mountains of Georgia and explore their beauty. The viewer can expect that the hike will bring the couple closer, at least a notch higher than what they appear to be (Nelmes 280). Since they are unfamiliar with the place, and there is an obvio us language barrier, the couple decided to hire a guide, Gato. The movie depicts the strangeness of the place, and then exposes the possibilities of the adventure that the couple would experience. As expected, the adventure comes with multiple challenges for the couple. Loktev takes the initial half of the movie to illustrate how the couple managed to cope with the numerous challenges of the hike through the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pop Culture-one artifact Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pop Culture-one artifact - Essay Example There is one real leg of a person and a prosthetic limb with a message persisting that there are no original spare parts for the human body in the poster. The company uses logos to tell the people that the human body must always be under great care. It uses the words in the advertisement, as a form of logos to convey the message that people should be careful whilst engaging in dangerous activities. In this case, the company is insisting that drunk driving can result in an outrageous accident that can make individuals lose their body parts. There are no spare parts for the human body and thus people must avoid drunk-driving at all costs. The company uses pathos to capture the attention of audience by describing the potential dangers for drunk driving. The photo showing a person with one real human leg and a prosthetic limb seeks to imply the potential effects for drunk driving, and effectively portrays pathos. It is portraying the dangers a person is exposing himself or herself to, by driving while drunk. BMW uses the photo to show the prospect of losing a body part and recovery difficulty. The photo exhibits the jeopardy of drunk driving. The utilization of this image is supposed to initiate mental thoughts and conceptions among the audience regarding the fundamental effects of driving while drunk. By understanding the potential dangers, the audience is supposed to become thoughtful of drunk driving. The â€Å"BMW† logo at the right corner of the poster portrays the use of ethos. The company is an established car-manufacturer and the usage of the logo will win the trust of many people. It is likely that many people will consider reading the message and put it into practice because of the brand name â€Å"BMW†. The company is advertising itself for the sale of cars but at the same time using its brand to sensitize people against driving while drunk. This is a