Friday, May 29, 2020

Learn Effective Writing in Band B PDF

Learn Effective Writing in Band B PDFIf you are in need of effective iELTS essay samples - Band B PDF download, then it is advisable that you look for the right PDF. Since Band B PDF is of high quality and it is a high-quality book; many people prefer to buy this eBook.When it comes to iELTS essays - Band B PDF, you can learn how to write an essay in order to ace your exams. This book is very popular as it is based on the Oxford test and not the Cambridge test. So, the reviews are positive about this book.The book comes with a PDF which can be downloaded from the website. You do not have to wait for an old book since the book is available in the internet for free.You can also download it from any other website if you like but if you want a copy of the book, you will have to pay a fee for it. To get access to iELTS Band B PDF, you can just search for it in the internet. You can also get some good review for this book. The good thing about the book is that it helps in the learning proc ess and it helps to give you a clear idea about the subject and you learn very well.If you want a book that is really good and user-friendly, you can find this book. If you want to write an essay and you have already been through the process but want to improve your score in this test, you can opt for this book. This is a must buy for those who want to ace their exams.This book is not only a tutorial for writing essays but it can also be used for evaluating the content of the essays in order to improve the performance of students. The book is really useful for students who want to take an entrance examination in the National Service or the Civil Service examination. You can use this book to enhance your level in these exams.If you want to be an engineer and want to know the techniques to be successful, you can find this book which helps you in this task. You will be surprised to find out the techniques which are present in this book. The techniques are so simple but yet it will help you create a successful career. Many students are using this book as their reference material.When you use the book as your reference material, you will definitely get a clear idea about the subject and you will also come across all the methods which are needed to be used for the preparation of the essay. This book will definitely help in writing the essays in order to ace the test and it will help you understand the subject. So, if you are looking for effective and easy way to become successful in your examinations, Band B PDF is the perfect choice for you.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Finding Topics for Your Term Paper About Philosophy

Finding Topics for Your Term Paper About PhilosophySince so many people are debating the existence of God, it is not surprising that we may find ourselves increasingly needing to write papers on philosophical subjects. These papers may deal with philosophical concepts or they may contain philosophical information about an individual or a profession. By taking a few steps, you can gain a good understanding of the most common philosophical topics that are covered in colleges and universities across the country.One of the most popular topics for students is that of philosophy as it relates to science fiction writers. This can be a great area to try and tackle because so many science fiction writers will discuss philosophical concepts when they discuss their novels. The same concepts can also be discussed by other writers who are attempting to make a novel more appealing to a broader audience. They might use philosophical terms or they might have a specific philosophical viewpoint on the topic.Many topics that are considered to be very interesting philosophical topics include those that deal with the history of the universe. Some of these topics include the Big Bang theory and theories about the formation of galaxies. Some of these topics may be considered controversial by some but others will be well accepted by many scientists.Politics is another topic that is often treated as a part of philosophy. These topics may revolve around various government bodies and how these bodies deal with philosophy as it pertains to these organizations. There are so many questions that get asked by those that are involved in politics.It is always a good idea to discuss in class the different points of view of those who are considered to be philosophers. People from this particular field of study are usually willing to help the general public gain a better understanding of their own work. Because many of the philosophies that they teach are in fact based upon their own personal idea s, they are more than willing to offer their own thoughts and beliefs.You should try to read any writings by scholars that deal with the nature of man and the decisions that are made by man that are based upon their own thoughts and beliefs. What is interesting about this is that they themselves do not understand these things. This is why they are writing about them in the first place.Some of the most common themes that deal with philosophy are the importance of the individual. Most of the goals that people strive for in life are based upon the goal of achieving the individual's best life possible. The pursuit of happiness itself is often looked upon as a form of philosophy.Although some students choose to focus on their major areas of study, there are several other areas of philosophy that they like to include in their own writings. These areas include topics such as ethics, morality, and the way in which laws should be enforced. By providing something of a balance to the many diff erent topics that one may encounter while writing a paper, you will gain a lot of satisfaction from completing this task.

Monday, May 11, 2020

APUSH Sample Essay

APUSH Sample EssayApush - Sample Essay is an essay prompt for APUSH, the nation's most popular college entrance exam. The test is typically given in June of the year after high school graduation. APUSH is the national standardized test of the College Board, and its student sample essays are required for schools to maintain their integrity. The College Board is also a nonprofit organization that advocates for the interest of students by organizing standardized tests like APUSH.The test asks questions on the basic idea and critical thinking skills, and then challenges the students to answer them based on the given criteria. Questions are based on the purpose of the essay, which is to represent the student's point of view. It must answer the question raised by the test in a way that is easy to understand and logical. Students may put the question in different ways according to the standardized format of the APUSH sample essay prompt. The test also requires students to use basic sentence s, as well as the correct grammar.While the College Board had started the practice of posting sample essays for APUSH, it is in the colleges that the instructions of the College Board started to be spread. College schools that perform well in APUSH will sometimes request for students to write an essay based on a particular topic, or create a new one for a class. Usually, these requests are considered to be part of the performance evaluation of the college. In order to help students prepare for the college entrance exam, the College Board will distribute the APUSH sample essay prompt to all participating colleges.Since the introduction of APUSH in 2020, the College Board will need more resources to conduct and distribute the exam and study guides. Therefore, the College Board came up with the idea of developing the APUSH Sample Essay and APUSH Study Guide. The study guide has the basic information for the APUSH exam, and it also contains some helpful tips on writing the exam.One of t he most popular question in the APUSH study guide is 'What are some strategies for overcoming the 'impossible'?'. This is followed by a guideline in the APUSH sample essay on how to answer the question. In this guide, the student is required to read the question, consider the options, come up with the best possible answer, and finally, analyze the results. The guide also includes tips on writing academic essays.For students who have no previous experience in writing essays, the guide comes with a Challenge Review. The Challenge Review tells students how to tackle difficult essays, and guide them on how to begin. This also provides some simple guidelines that students can use when writing essays based on the principles in the guide.Another useful tip in the APUSH sample essay is the Data Collection. The Data Collection tells students how to collect data that is required to answer the question raised in the APUSH test. Finally, the guide also includes tips on writing the APUSH essay i n the Author's Note section.The College Board has been continuously updating the sample essay since the introduction of APUSH in 1996. The guide was designed in such a way that even a first-time student can easily follow the guidelines and get better results in the APUSH exam. However, the students should bear in mind that this guide is for higher level and professional students only.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Descartes Evil Demon Argument - 1981 Words

Essay Choice 1 In the First Meditation, Descartes gives us the Evil Demon Hypothesis which serves to give him reason to doubt the existence of everything he perceives and believes. He describes a ‘malicious demon of the utmost power and cunning’ that has the sole purpose of deceiving Descartes (Descartes, 2010: 17). I will argue that his hypothesis has proven to be a strong one because only the cogito provides a way for us to frustrate or trick the evil demon. The Evil Demon Hypothesis is an important component of the Method of Doubt. Descartes used the Method of Doubt to find what is true by withholding assent from all beliefs that are dubitable. However, if Descartes was to scrutinise everything he believed, he would be left with an†¦show more content†¦Essentially the same as the Evil Demon Hypothesis is the Deceiving God Argument. Once Descartes described it, he realised that he has doubt in all of his former beliefs and as a result withheld assent from all those former beliefs (Descartes, 17:2010). However he found his ‘habitual opinions kept coming back’ and so to stop this he counterbalanced all his previous beliefs by believing them entirely false. After a while he would be able to let go of his previous convictions and ‘perceive things correctly’ (Descartes, 17:2010). It could be argued that it isn’t possible to frustrate the demon because of its omnipotence, meaning it would have unlimited power and capabilities. Descartes does credit the demon with omnipotence when saying ‘some demon of the utmost power and cunning (Descartes, 17:2010). Other scholars such as Kennington don’t believe the demon is omnipotent because in the original text Descartes didn’t call the demon quo potest omnia or omnipotens, which God was. Furthermore, in the First Meditation, the Evil Demon is mentioned only thrice (Kennington, 1971: 442), making one wonder if it was really that was being referred to. However I believe this opinion is wrong or at least not completely true. God is certainly held as omnipotent by Descartes. He described the demon as ‘some God or any other name it may be called’ and is described alongShow MoreRelatedDescartes Evil Demon Argument1996 Words   |  8 Pages 1 In the First Meditation, Descartes gives us the Evil Demon Hypothesis which serves to give him reason to doubt the existence of everything he perceives and believes. He describes a ‘malicious demon of the utmost power and cunning’ that has the sole purpose of deceiving Descartes (Descartes, 2010: 17). I will argue that his hypothesis has proven to be a strong one because only the cogito provides a way for us to frustrate or trick the evil demon. The Evil Demon Hypothesis is an important componentRead MoreThe Strengths And Weaknesses Of Descartes Dreaming Argument And Evil Demon Argument1430 Words   |  6 PagesThis essay will attempt to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Descartes’ dreaming argument and evil demon argument. Through discussion, I will show why the evil demon argument is more plausible than the dreaming argument. The essay will give a brief definition of the two arguments and explain why these arguments are important. Then I will discuss the two arguments, considering both sides and referencing previous work by other philosophers. I will conclude with a short summary of the topics coveredRead MoreDescartes’ Cogito Argument Successfully Shows the Evil Demon Argument is Unsound888 Words   |  4 PagesDoes Descartes’ Cogito argument successfully show that the Evil Demon Argument is unsound? In this essay I will attempt to show that the philosopher, Renà ¨ Descartes’ Cogito Argument successfully proves the Evil Demon Argument to be unsound. By an analysis of the structure of the arguments and what they prove, I will show the evil demon argument to be unsound. An argument is unsound when the premises as false and the argument is invalid. This analysis of both structure and content will eventuateRead MoreEssay about Descartes First Meditation924 Words   |  4 PagesDescartes#8217; first meditation, his main objective is to present three skeptical arguments to bring doubt upon what he considers his basic beliefs. Descartes believes this to be an intricate part of his complete epistemological argument. Descartes skeptical arguments are not intended to be a denial of his basic beliefs. On the contrary, he uses these arguments to help prove one of his main theses, which is the existence of God. One of the main premises that Descartes uses in his proof forRead Mo reAn Analysis Of Descartes And The Dreaming Argument1390 Words   |  6 PagesThis essay will take a look at Descartes Dreaming argument and Evil Demon argument. As well as discussing their weaknesses and strengths to later decide which argument is the best. Despite my belief of subjective truths, the reason for doing this is to establish both arguments on an equal basis and to determine which would be best in an argument. The Dreaming argument first showed up in Descartes First Meditation, where he focusses on the task to educate himself on his own doubt. When meditatingRead MoreDescartes Dreaming Argument And The Demon Argument1112 Words   |  5 PagesIn this essay, I will explore and analyse Descartes’ dreaming argument and his evil demon argument. I will assess both arguments taking into account their validity and soundness whilst also considering the objections that one may have. In order to weigh up these arguments, it is important to understand Descartes’ reasons for formulating them: Descartes’ believes that it is important to be certain of the things that one believes to be true which, in turn, causes him to question the things that heRead MoreAnalysis Of Descartes Dreaming Argument812 Words   |  4 PagesDescartes dreaming argument suggests that perhaps our senses cannot be fully trusted because we cannot be certain we are not dreaming, and this means we therefore cannot be certain of anything. His evil demon argument is similar but uses the idea of an evil demon deceiving you instead of your senses. These sceptical arguments mean that we cannot be certain of anything at all for it may be happening whilst we are dreaming, or we are being tricked into thinking it is happening. I do not agree withRead MoreThe Dream Inside Of A Dream By Christopher Nolan1683 Words   |  7 PagesFinal Paper: Descartes The possibility of having a dream inside of a dream is an idea that has been discussed far and wide. However, before Inception came out in 2010 by director Christopher Nolan, many people in the modern world may not have ever considered this idea. Nonetheless, this idea of â€Å"a dream inside a dream† has been around since 1640, when Rene Descartes published Meditations. In Inception, Christopher Nolan uses Descartes ideas to enhance the storyline of his film. In this paperRead MoreThe Dreaming Argument And The Evil Demon Argument1271 Words   |  6 PagesDescartes organised his ideas on knowledge and skepticism to establish two main arguments, the dreaming argument and the evil demon argument. The dreaming argument suggests that it is not possible to distinguish between having a waking experience and dreaming an experience. Whereas, the evil demon argument suggests that we are deceived in all areas of our experiences by an evil demon. This essay will investigate the valid ity of the arguments and to what extent the conclusion of these arguments isRead MoreThe Mind Argument And The Evil Demon Argument1218 Words   |  5 PagesRenÃ'  Descartes is known to be the â€Å"founder of modern philosophy† aswell as a man who was superior in the scientific revolution. As a catholic and a man of science he wanted to show how the scientific world had space for God and freedom which hence led to the Mediditions published in 1641. In the first meditation Descartes introduces the idea that in order for him to establish anything in the sciences which is â€Å"stable and likely to last† he must build truths of which he can be certain. In order to

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Nursing Case Study Gastroenteritis

Question: Discuss about theNursing Case Study for Gastroenteritis. Answer: The Two Important Issues that the Patient is Facing are: The patient, Reg, is facing an issue of dehydration as he has contracted gastroenteritis. All his symptoms leading to his admission in the hospital were specific of a bout of gastroenteritis, such as, watery diarrhea, vomiting. Other symptoms such as fever, headaches, lethargy and cramps in the stomach indicated the same (Freedman et al. 2015). The continuous vomiting and watery diarrhea is the reason for his dehydration. Reg is also suffering from acute pain in the abdomen. One of the symptoms of gastroenteritis is abdominal pain, which is due to the infection in the stomach with gastroenteritis causing pathogens. The pain is caused due to the movement in the colon due to the imbalance of electrolyte in the system (Martinez and Mattu 2014). The nursing interventions that can be carried out to address the issues are: For dehydration, the patient should be made to consume fluids such as water, and in this case, should be administered with intravenous fluids in order to rehydrate the patient. Medications such as, Lonox, Motofen, Florastor, Imotil (anti-diarrheals); Aprepitant, Domperidone, Prochlorperazine, Granisetron (anti-emetics), should be administered in case of chronic conditions (Ruszczy?ski, Urba?ska and Szajewska, 2014). For the abdominal pain, the patient should be administered with acetaminophen-based medications, such as Tylenol, to relieve the patient from abdominal pain (Gilron et al. 2015). The necessity of using the particular nursing intervention in order to address the issue: The patient needs to be dehydrated in order to prevent symptoms such as toxin accumulation in the body, the imbalance caused due to loss of salt and sugar, which can severely affect the normal functioning of the body. Immediate rehydration is necessary for the patient as it might lead to fainting, muscle cramps, headaches, and difficulty in urination. All these symptoms were already present in the patient and hence, this intervention was necessary (Sugata et al. 2014). It is necessary for the drug to be administered as Reg is suffering from abdominal pain. Acetaminophen relives the patient from pain (Liu et al. 2015). References: Freedman, S.B., Vandermeer, B., Milne, A., Hartling, L. and Pediatric Emergency Research Canada Gastroenteritis Study Group, 2015. Diagnosing clinically significant dehydration in children with acute gastroenteritis using noninvasive methods: a meta-analysis.The Journal of pediatrics,166(4), pp.908-916. Gilron, I., Tu, D., Dumerton-Shore, D., Duggan, S., Rooney, R., McGrath, M. and Orr, E., 2015. The effect of triple vs. double nonopioid therapy on postoperative pain and functional outcome after abdominal hysterectomy: A randomised double-blind control trial.European Journal of Anaesthesiology (EJA),32(4), pp.269-276. Liu, W., de Virgilio, C., Grigorian, A. and Arnell, T.D., 2015. Right Lower Quadrant Abdominal Pain. InSurgery(pp. 213-224). Springer New York. Martinez, J.P. and Mattu, A., 2014. Abdominal pain in the elderly.Geriatric Emergency Medicine, p.94. Ruszczy?ski, M., Urba?ska, M. and Szajewska, H., 2014. Gelatin tannate for treating acute gastroenteritis: a systematic review.Annals of Gastroenterology,27(2), p.121. Sugata, K., Wakuda, M., Taniguchi, K., Asano, Y. and Yoshikawa, T., 2014. Fatal Case of Norovirus Gastroenteritis due to Severe Dehydration.Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, p.pit087.